How to Find a Part-time Job in Japan for Foreign Students: A Comprehensive Guide

With language learning tips and interview preparaion guide

Part time job in japan

Studying in Japan is an exciting and enriching experience for many international students. One way to enhance this experience is by working part-time to support oneself financially and gain valuable skills. However, finding a part-time job in Japan can be challenging, especially for those who are not proficient in the language. In this guide, we’ll explore the process of finding part-time jobs for foreign students, provide helpful resources, and offer suggestions on how to succeed in the Japanese job market.

  1. Understand the Visa Requirements

Before starting your job search, make sure you have the appropriate visa that allows you to work part-time. If you’re a student, you’ll likely have a “Student Visa.” However, to work part-time, you must apply for a “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted.” You can apply for this permit at your local immigration office.

  1. Learn Basic Japanese

While not all part-time jobs require proficiency in Japanese, having a basic understanding of the language will significantly increase your chances of finding employment. Invest time in learning conversational Japanese and familiarize yourself with industry-specific terms.

Enhancing your Japanese language skills will improve your chances of finding a part-time job in Japan. While there are jobs that do not require fluency in Japanese, many employers prefer candidates with at least a basic understanding of the language. Here are some steps you can take to learn Japanese:

a. Enroll in a language course: Many universities and language schools offer Japanese courses for beginners. Enrolling in a course is an excellent way to learn the language in a structured environment with the guidance of an experienced teacher.

b. Utilize language learning apps: Applications such as Duolingo, Anki, and Memrise offer interactive lessons and flashcards to help you learn Japanese vocabulary, grammar, and phrases. These apps are convenient for learning on-the-go and can supplement your formal language studies.

c. Join language exchange groups: Participating in language exchange groups can be a fun and effective way to practice your Japanese speaking skills. These groups often host meetups or online sessions where members can converse in both their native languages and the language they are learning.

d. Practice with native speakers: If you have Japanese friends or classmates, take advantage of the opportunity to practice speaking with them. Engaging in conversations with native speakers will help improve your listening comprehension and speaking fluency.

e. Familiarize yourself with industry-specific terms: Depending on the type of part-time job you’re seeking, it’s essential to learn relevant vocabulary and phrases. For example, if you’re looking for a job in the service industry, learn terms related to customer service, food items, and payment transactions.

f. Watch Japanese media: Immersing yourself in Japanese movies, TV shows, or podcasts can be a helpful way to improve your listening skills and pick up on colloquial language. To enhance your learning experience, try watching with Japanese subtitles or listening to content specifically designed for language learners.

By dedicating time to learning basic Japanese, you’ll not only increase your chances of finding a part-time job but also make your experience living and working in Japan more enjoyable and fulfilling.

  1. Search for Part-time Jobs

There are several ways to find part-time jobs in Japan. Here are some resources you can use:

a. Online Job Portals: Websites like GaijinPot, JobsinJapan, and Daijob are great places to start your search. They offer job listings in English and cater to foreign job-seekers.

b. University Career Centers: Many universities have career centers that help students find part-time work. Check with your school to see if they have such a service.

c. Networking: Connect with other foreign students or expats who are working in Japan. They can provide valuable advice on job-hunting and may even know of job openings.

d. Local Businesses: Visit local businesses, such as restaurants, cafes, and convenience stores, and inquire about job opportunities. Some businesses may prefer hiring foreigners, particularly those that cater to international customers.

  1. Prepare Your Resume and Interview Skills

Before applying for jobs, make sure your resume is updated and tailored to the Japanese market. There are specific formatting guidelines you should follow when creating a Japanese resume, such as using a standard resume template and including a professional photograph.

Additionally, brush up on your interview skills. Be prepared to answer questions about your experiences, skills, and availability. Practice speaking in Japanese if you’re interviewing for a position that requires language proficiency.

How to prepare for job interview

Preparing for a part-time job interview in Japan is crucial to making a good impression and increasing your chances of being hired. Here are some steps to help you prepare effectively, along with examples:

  1. Research the Company:

Gain an understanding of the company’s values, mission, and work culture. This knowledge will help you tailor your answers to align with the company’s expectations and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the job.

Example: If you’re applying for a part-time job at a popular Japanese cafe chain, learn about their customer service philosophy, menu items, and any unique aspects that set them apart from competitors.

  1. Review Common Interview Questions:

Prepare answers for common interview questions, such as “Why do you want to work here?” and “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”. This will help you feel more confident during the interview.

Example: If asked why you want to work at the Japanese cafe, you could mention your interest in Japanese culture, your desire to improve your Japanese language skills, and your passion for providing excellent customer service.

  1. Prepare for Language Requirements:

If the job requires Japanese language proficiency, practice speaking in Japanese and answering interview questions in the language. This will help you feel more comfortable using the language during the interview.

Example: Prepare a self-introduction (自己紹介, jikoshoukai) in Japanese and practice responding to common interview questions like “どのような経験がありますか?” (What kind of experience do you have?).

  1. Dress Appropriately:

In Japan, appearance is essential during interviews. Dress conservatively and professionally. For most part-time jobs, business casual attire is appropriate.

Example: Wear a clean, ironed dress shirt with dress pants or a skirt, and closed-toe shoes. Avoid flashy accessories or overly casual clothing.

  1. Bring Necessary Documents:

Prepare copies of your resume, passport, visa, and any other relevant documents, such as your work permit or letters of recommendation.

Example: Have a Japanese version of your resume, along with a copy of your passport(if necessary) and resident card.

  1. Practice Good Manners:

Japanese culture places a strong emphasis on respect and etiquette. Practice polite greetings, maintaining eye contact, and bowing correctly. Additionally, be punctual and arrive at least 10-15 minutes early for your interview.

Example: When greeting your interviewer, offer a polite bow and say “はじめまして、(Your name)と申します。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。” (Nice to meet you, my name is [Your name]. Pleased to make your acquaintance.)

  1. Prepare Questions for the Interviewer:

Towards the end of the interview, you’ll likely have the opportunity to ask questions. Prepare a few thoughtful questions that show your interest in the job and the company.

Example: You might ask about the company’s training program, opportunities for language practice, or what they value most in their part-time employees.

By following these steps and practicing beforehand, you’ll be well-prepared for your part-time job interview in Japan. Good luck!

  1. Be Persistent

Finding a part-time job in Japan may not happen overnight, but don’t get discouraged. Be persistent in your search, and don’t be afraid to apply to multiple positions. Remember, the more applications you send out, the higher your chances are of securing a part-time job.


Finding a part-time job in Japan as a foreign student may seem challenging, but it is not impossible. By understanding visa requirements, learning basic Japanese, utilizing various job search resources, and preparing your resume and interview skills, you’ll be well on your way to securing a part-time position. Not only will you gain valuable work experience, but you’ll also enjoy the opportunity to immerse yourself in Japanese culture and create lasting memories.

Top 11 Reasons Why Japan is Best for Abroad Study in 2023


study in japan

“Japan offers an unparalleled study abroad experience, combining cutting-edge technology, world-class education, and a rich cultural heritage, providing students with a truly unique and transformative journey.”

why to choose japan for abroad study

Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun, has long captivated the hearts of travelers and adventurers from all over the world. However, in recent years, Japan has also emerged as a top destination for international students seeking a world-class education, unique cultural experiences, and a safe and technologically advanced environment. In this blog post, we delve into the top 11 reasons why foreign students choose Japan as their study abroad destination in 2023.

  1. High-Quality Education:

Japanese universities are renowned for their excellent academic programs and research facilities. With institutions like the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Osaka University, students have access to top-notch education in various disciplines, including engineering, science, and humanities.

  1. Cutting-Edge Research Opportunities:

Japan is a global powerhouse in research and development, particularly in fields like robotics, electronics, automotive engineering, and biotechnology. International students studying in Japan have the chance to work alongside leading experts and utilize state-of-the-art research facilities, fostering innovation and growth.

  1. Language Learning:

Studying in Japan offers an unmatched opportunity to learn Japanese, a language that is becoming increasingly valuable in global business and cultural exchanges. Many universities provide Japanese language courses alongside their degree programs, enabling students to hone their language skills while pursuing their academic goals.

  1. Rich Cultural Experiences:

Japan boasts a unique and vibrant culture, with traditional arts such as tea ceremonies, calligraphy, martial arts, and Kabuki theater. International students can immerse themselves in this fascinating culture, gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation for the customs and history of Japan.

  1. Attractive Scholarship Programs:

The Japanese government and universities offer numerous scholarships, including the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) Scholarship, to attract talented international students. These scholarships often cover tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses, making studying in Japan more affordable.

  1. Enhanced Job Prospects:

Graduating from a Japanese university can open doors to a wealth of job opportunities, both in Japan and internationally. Many Japanese companies value international graduates with strong Japanese language skills and a deep understanding of the local culture and business practices.

  1. Safe and Clean Environment:

Japan is known for its low crime rate and clean, well-maintained public spaces. This makes it an attractive destination for students who value personal safety and a clean environment. Moreover, the Japanese people’s emphasis on etiquette and respect adds to the sense of security and comfort for international students.

  1. Technological Advancements:

As a global leader in technology and innovation, Japan offers students the chance to experience and learn from advanced infrastructure, public transportation systems, and consumer electronics. The country’s commitment to progress and technological advancement ensures that students have access to cutting-edge resources and facilities during their studies.

  1. Breathtaking Natural Landscapes:

Japan’s diverse natural beauty ranges from the snowy peaks of Hokkaido to the warm beaches of Okinawa, and the picturesque cherry blossoms in spring. Students can explore these scenic locales during their time off from studies, enriching their overall experience in Japan.

  1. Unique Culinary Experiences:

Japanese cuisine is world-famous for its delicious flavors and artistic presentation. Students studying in Japan can indulge in traditional dishes like sushi, ramen, and tempura, as well as regional specialties that vary across the country. The exploration of Japanese food culture adds an exciting element to students’ experiences.

11. Networking Opportunities:

Studying in Japan provides international students with the chance to build a valuable network of contacts with local students, professors, and professionals. This network can be an invaluable resource for future career opportunities and collaborations. Additionally, the international alumni communities foster ongoing connections and support, even after students have completed their studies.


With its perfect blend of top-quality education, cutting-edge research, rich cultural experiences, attractive scholarship programs, enhanced job prospects, and unparalleled learning opportunities, Japan has become a preferred study abroad destination for students worldwide. The safe, clean, and technologically advanced environment, coupled with the breathtaking natural landscapes and unique culinary experiences, make Japan an ideal place to pursue higher education.

Don’t miss the chance to embark on an extraordinary academic journey in the Land of the Rising Sun! By choosing to study in Japan, you’ll be investing in your future and gaining experiences that will shape your life and career for years to come.


  1. 高品質な教育: 日本の大学は、優れた教育と研究機関として世界的に知られており、多くの学生が高品質な教育を受けるために日本を選びます。
  2. 研究の機会: 日本は科学技術や工学分野で世界的なリーダーであり、先端の研究施設や専門家と共同で学ぶことができるため、留学生にとって魅力的な選択肢となります。
  3. 言語学習: 日本での留学は、日本語を学ぶ絶好の機会です。日本語は国際ビジネスや文化交流においてますます価値が高まっている言語です。
  4. 文化体験: 日本独自の豊かな文化を体験することができます。伝統芸術や歴史的建造物、祭りなど、日本文化の深い理解を得ることができます。
  5. 奨学金制度: 日本政府や大学が提供する奨学金制度が充実しており、留学生にとって経済的な負担を軽減できる魅力的な要素です。
  6. 就職機会: 日本の大学を卒業すると、国内外の企業での就職機会が広がります。日本語能力と日本の文化・ビジネス慣行に精通した留学生は、企業にとって価値ある人材となります。
  7. 安全性と清潔さ: 日本は治安が良く、公共の場も清潔に保たれていることで知られています。これは、留学生にとって安全で快適な生活環境を提供する大きな魅力です。
  8. 先進技術: 日本は技術革新のリーダーであり、インフラや公共交通機関、家電製品などが最先端のものです。日本で学ぶことで、この先進的な環境を直接体験できます。
  9. 自然景観: 日本には美しい自然景観が
  1. 自然景観: 日本には美しい自然景観が豊富で、北海道の雪景色から沖縄のビーチまで多彩な風景が楽しめます。留学生は勉学の合間に、これらの素晴らしい場所を探索し、日本での滞在をより充実させることができます。
  2. 独特な食文化: 日本料理は世界中でその美味しさと美しい盛り付けで知られています。日本で留学することで、寿司やラーメン、天ぷらなどの伝統料理や地域ごとの特色ある料理を楽しむことができます。美味しい日本食を堪能することは、留学生にとって大きな魅力のひとつです。

Mastering Kanji Made Easy: A Comprehensive Guide to Simplifying Your Kanji Journey

With practical example and task for readers

How to learn kanji easily


Learning Kanji can be a daunting task, especially for beginners in Japanese. However, with the right strategy and tools, you can simplify the process and make it enjoyable. In this blog post, we will delve into the minutest details of learning Kanji easily and effectively, offering practical examples and an extensive exploration of resources. Let’s begin your Kanji journey!

  1. Understand the basics of Kanji: Kanji are the Chinese characters adopted in the Japanese writing system. There are approximately 2,000-2,500 commonly used characters called “Jōyō Kanji.” Each Kanji character represents a concept and can have multiple readings, known as “On’yomi” (Chinese reading) and “Kun’yomi” (Japanese reading).

For example, the Kanji character for “tree” (木) has the On’yomi reading “moku” and the Kun’yomi reading “ki.” In compound words, you’ll often encounter the On’yomi reading, such as “forest” (森林), which is pronounced “shinrin.” However, in standalone words or when combined with hiragana, the Kun’yomi reading is used, as in “tree” (木) being pronounced “ki.”

  1. Break down Kanji into radicals: Radicals are the building blocks of Kanji characters. By learning the most common radicals, you can quickly recognize and memorize new Kanji. Some popular resources to learn radicals include:

For instance, the Kanji character for “rest” (休) consists of two radicals: “person” (亻) and “tree” (木). By breaking down the Kanji into its component radicals, you can create a story to help remember its meaning: “A person leaning against a tree takes a rest.”

  1. Set achievable goals: Start with a small daily goal, such as learning 3-5 new Kanji characters per day. Gradually increase your target as you gain confidence. Aim to master the Jōyō Kanji, which will enable you to read and understand most Japanese texts.

To create a structured learning plan, you can follow the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) levels, which are divided into five levels from N5 (easiest) to N1 (most difficult). Start by mastering the 100 Kanji required for the N5 level before progressing to more advanced levels.

  1. Use the Spaced Repetition System (SRS): SRS is a proven method for long-term retention of information. Tools like Anki ( and Wanikani incorporate SRS to help you efficiently review and memorize Kanji.

In Anki, you can create or download pre-made decks, like the popular “Kanji All-In-One” deck, which covers Jōyō Kanji and their readings. The system will show you the Kanji at increasing intervals based on your ability to remember them, ensuring that you review them just before you are likely to forget.

  1. Contextualize your learning: Study Kanji in context by reading real-life materials, such as news articles, manga, or books. Websites like NHK News Web Easy ( and TangoRisto ( provide beginner-friendly content with furigana (hiragana reading aid) and vocabulary support.

For example, reading a short news article on NHK News Web Easy about an event in Japan will expose you to several Kanji characters in context. This exposure will help you understand how the Kanji are used in sentences, making it easier for you to remember their meanings and readings.

  1. Write Kanji by hand: Writing Kanji by hand helps solidify your memory and improves recognition. Practice writing each character multiple times while paying attention to stroke order. Use resources like Jisho ( to check the correct stroke order for each character.

Suppose you want to practice writing the Kanji for “mountain” (山). Start by searching for the character on Jisho and observe the correct stroke order. Then, write the character several times on paper or using a digital writing app, repeating the process for each new Kanji you learn.

  1. Create mnemonics and stories: Use mnemonics and stories to associate each Kanji with a memorable image or idea. This technique will make it easier to recall the meaning and readings of each character. Heisig’s “Remembering the Kanji” series is a fantastic resource for creating mnemonic stories.

For example, let’s look at the Kanji for “fire” (火). You can create a mnemonic story by imagining the character as a person with their arms raised, running away from a fire. Associating the character with this vivid image will help you remember its meaning more easily.

  1. Engage with native speakers: Join language exchange groups, online forums, or conversation partners to practice your Kanji skills in real-life situations. Websites like iTalki ( and HelloTalk ( can connect you with native Japanese speakers for language exchange.

By engaging in conversations with native speakers, you can practice using the Kanji you’ve learned in a practical context. For instance, you might learn the Kanji for “delicious” (美味しい) and then use it in a conversation to describe a tasty meal you recently had.

  1. Track your progress: Keep a record of your Kanji learning progress. Use tools like Kanji Study ( or Kanshudo ( to track the number of Kanji you have learned and review them regularly.

With Kanji Study, you can set daily goals, view your progress statistics, and organize your Kanji by JLPT level or Jōyō grade. This will help you stay on track and visualize your progress as you work towards mastering Kanji.

  1. Stay consistent and motivated: Learning Kanji is a long-term commitment. Stay consistent in your daily practice, and don’t get discouraged by setbacks. Celebrate your milestones and enjoy the process.

To keep yourself motivated, set personal challenges or participate in community challenges, like the “Kanji Kentei” (a comprehensive Kanji test) or the “365 Kanji Challenge,” where you learn one new Kanji every day for a year. Share your progress on social media or with friends to maintain accountability and motivation.

Conclusion: Learning Kanji may seem overwhelming at first, but with the right approach and tools, it becomes manageable and enjoyable. Break down Kanji into radicals, set achievable goals, use effective learning techniques like SRS and mnemonics, and engage with native speakers to refine your skills. Stay consistent and motivated, track your progress, and enjoy the journey towards mastering the fascinating world of Kanji. With persistence and dedication, you’ll be amazed at how far you can come in your Kanji journey.

sample table for the first ten Kanji characters from N5 to N1, including their On’yomi, Kun’yomi, and example words.

Here are sample table for the first ten N5 Kanji characters, including their On’yomi, Kun’yomi, and example words.

KanjiOn’yomiKun’yomiExample 1Example 2
ichihito-tsu一つ (ひとつ)一人 (ひとり)
nifuta-tsu二つ (ふたつ)二人 (ふたり)
sanmi-ttsu三つ (みっつ)三時 (さんじ)
shiyo-ttsu四つ (よっつ)四時 (よじ)
goitsu-tsu五つ (いつつ)五時 (ごじ)
rokumu-ttsu六つ (むっつ)六時 (ろくじ)
shichinana-tsu七つ (ななつ)七時 (しちじ)
hachiya-ttsu八つ (やっつ)八時 (はちじ)
kyūkokono-tsu九つ (ここのつ)九時 (きゅうじ)
十 (じゅう)十日 (とおか)
sample kanji list of N5

For a complete list of JLPT N5 Kanji, you can refer to resources like the following website:

Here are sample table for the first ten N4 Kanji characters, including their On’yomi, Kun’yomi, and example words.

KanjiOn’yomiKun’yomiExample 1Example 2
kaia(u)会う (あう)会社 (かいしゃ)
ona(ji)同じ (おなじ)同時 (どうじ)
tahoka他 (ほか)他人 (たにん)
hakushiro(i)白い (しろい)白紙 (はくし)
jimizuka(ra)自分 (じぶん)自然 (しぜん)
shayashiro社 (やしろ)社会 (しゃかい)
chi, jito地図 (ちず)地下鉄 (ちかてつ)
kata方向 (ほうこう)方法 (ほうほう)
shamono者 (もの)読者 (どくしゃ)
kangae(ru)考える (かんがえる)考古学 (こうこがく)
sample kanji list of N4

For a complete list of JLPT N4 Kanji, you can refer to resources like the following website:

Here are sample table for the first ten N3 Kanji characters, including their On’yomi, Kun’yomi, and example words.

KanjiOn’yomiKun’yomiExample 1Example 2
akuwaru(i)悪い (わるい)悪口 (あっこう,わるぐち)
anyasu(i)安い (やすい)安全 (あんぜん)
ankura(i)暗い (くらい)暗記 (あんき)
i意味 (いみ)意見 (いけん)
i医者 (いしゃ)医学 (いがく)
ikusodatsu(ru)育つ (そだつ)教育 (きょういく)
in社員 (しゃいん)職員 (しょくいん)
in病院 (びょういん)大学院 (だいがくいん)
inno(mu)飲む (のむ)飲料水 (いんりょうすい)
unhako(bu)運ぶ (はこぶ)運転 (うんてん)
sample kanji list of N3

For a complete list of JLPT N3 Kanji, you can refer to resources like the following website:

Here are sample table for the first ten N2 Kanji characters, including their On’yomi, Kun’yomi, and example words.

KanjiOn’yomiKun’yomiExample 1Example 2
ka課題 (かだい)課税 (かぜい)
kaha(tasu)果たす (はたす)果物 (くだもの)
taika(riru)貸す (かす)貸し出し (かしだし)
kaikokoroyo(i)快い (こころよい)快適 (かいてき)
kai世界 (せかい)界隈 (かいわい)
kaito(ku)解く (とく)解決 (かいけつ)
kaia(keru)開く (あく)開始 (かいし)
kai階段 (かいだん)二階 (にかい)
kaatai価格 (かかく)価値 (かち)
kaiumi海 (うみ)海外 (かいがい)
sample kanji list of N2

For a complete list of JLPT N2 Kanji, you can refer to resources like the following website:

Here are sample table for the first ten N1 Kanji characters, including their On’yomi, Kun’yomi, and example words.

KanjiOn’yomiKun’yomiExample 1Example 2
ninmi(tomeru)認める (みとめる)認定 (にんてい)
oku一億 (いちおく)億万長者 (おくまんちょうじゃ)
en演劇 (えんげき)演説 (えんぜつ)
eni(tou), a(kiru)厭う (いとう)厭きる (あきる)
rinnozo(mu)臨む (のぞむ)臨時 (りんじ)
kyōhibi(ku)響く (ひびく)音響 (おんきょう)
kanwame(ku)喚く (わめく)喚起 (かんき)
kaiko(wasu)壊す (こわす)破壊 (はかい)
kainatsu(kashii)懐かしい (なつかしい)懐中時計 (かいちゅうどけい)
gai該当 (がいとう)当該 (とうがい)
sample list of kanji for N1

For a complete list of JLPT N1 Kanji, you can refer to resources like the following website:

Task for Readers: Create Your Personal Kanji Flashcards

To help you practice and improve your Kanji skills, we encourage you to create your own set of Kanji flashcards. This activity will not only help you memorize Kanji characters and their readings but also reinforce your learning through the process of creating the cards.


  1. Choose 20 Kanji characters from the level you’re currently studying (N5, N4, N3, N2, or N1). You can refer to the lists provided in the previous answers or use other resources to find Kanji characters suitable for your level.
  2. Prepare materials needed for creating flashcards. You can use physical index cards, pieces of paper, or digital flashcard apps like Anki, Quizlet, or Memrise.
  3. On one side of the card, write the Kanji character in clear, large strokes. Make sure the character is centered and easy to read.
  4. On the other side of the card, write the following information:
    • On’yomi reading(s)
    • Kun’yomi reading(s)
    • Two example words that use the Kanji character, including furigana to indicate the pronunciation
  5. Repeat this process for each of the 20 Kanji characters you’ve chosen.
  6. Once you have completed your set of 20 flashcards, start studying them regularly. Review the cards daily, quizzing yourself on the Kanji character, its readings, and the example words.
  7. Track your progress and adjust the difficulty of the Kanji characters as needed. As you become more comfortable with your current set, add more challenging characters to your flashcard collection.

By completing this task, you’ll create a useful tool for learning Kanji and develop a habit of regular practice that will aid your progress in mastering the Japanese language.

Note: Dear Readers if you want to learn more about any specific topic related to your study or problems during study in japan then mail us at merosensei12@raajanuk

5 Common Challenges for Newcomers in Japan and How to Overcome Them

With examples and Solutions

common challanges for newcomers in Japan

Japan is a fascinating country with a rich history and culture. However, for foreigners who have just arrived, there can be some challenges to overcome. In this blog post, we will discuss the five most common problems that newcomers may face in Japan and offer practical solutions to help you navigate these issues.

  1. Language Barrier Problem: The Japanese language can be difficult to learn and understand, especially for those who are new to the country.

Solution: Take Japanese language classes or use language learning apps like Duolingo. Practice speaking with locals or join language exchange groups. Don’t be afraid to use gestures or simple English words to communicate. Additionally, keep a translation app like Google Translate or Yomiwa on your phone for quick translations.

Example: When ordering at a restaurant, use basic phrases like “これをください” (kore o kudasai, meaning “this please”) while pointing at the menu item. Also, have the translation app ready to show the server if further clarification is needed.

  1. Cultural Differences Problem: Japan has a unique culture, and foreigners may struggle with understanding certain customs and behaviors.

Solution: Learn about Japanese customs and etiquette before arriving in Japan. Observe and mimic the behavior of locals. Be open-minded and respectful of cultural differences.

Example: In Japan, it is customary to bow when greeting someone. Practice bowing and pay attention to the depth and duration of the bow, as it can vary depending on the situation.

  1. Navigating Public Transportation Problem: Japan has an extensive and sometimes complex public transportation system that can be overwhelming for newcomers.

Solution: Use apps like Google Maps and Japan Transit Planner to help you plan your routes. Familiarize yourself with the train and bus schedules, and always give yourself extra time when traveling.

Example: When traveling from Tokyo to Kyoto, use the Japan Transit Planner app to find the best train options, taking note of the departure and arrival times, as well as any necessary transfers.

  1. Finding Accommodation Problem: Finding suitable and affordable accommodation in Japan can be challenging, especially in popular cities like Tokyo and Kyoto.

Solution: Research different housing options and consider factors like location, budget, and size. Utilize websites and apps like GaijinPot and Suumo to find apartments or share houses. Seek assistance from real estate agents if necessary.

Example: When searching for an apartment in Tokyo, consider factors like proximity to public transportation, rent price, and whether it’s furnished. Use GaijinPot to filter results and find suitable options.

  1. Making Friends and Socializing Problem: It can be difficult for foreigners to make friends and establish social connections in Japan.

Solution: Join clubs, organizations, or social groups to meet people with similar interests. Attend language exchange events or international parties. Be open to new experiences and engage with locals when possible.

Example: If you are interested in Japanese tea ceremony, join a local club or class where you can learn and practice the art with like-minded individuals. This will help you form connections and friendships with people who share your interests.

Conclusion: Adjusting to life in Japan can be challenging for newcomers, but with patience, perseverance, and an open mind, you can overcome these common obstacles. By learning about the language and culture, navigating public transportation, finding suitable housing, and making friends, you will soon feel at home in your new country.

Are you new in japan or want information about anything then feel free to comment or email us at [email protected]

I can’t live in Japan

how to deal with homesickness

how to deal with home sickness

Dealing with homesickness as a foreign student in Japan can be challenging, but there are several strategies to help you cope and make your time in Japan more enjoyable. Here are some tips with examples:

  1. Stay connected with family and friends: Regularly communicate with your loved ones back home through video calls, messaging apps, or social media. Schedule weekly or bi-weekly calls to catch up and share your experiences. Example: Use apps like facebook, Skype, viber,Zoom, or LINE to video chat with your family and friends, maintaining a sense of connection despite the distance.
  2. Create a comfortable living space: Personalize your living space with familiar items or decorations from home. Surrounding yourself with comforting objects can make your environment feel more welcoming. Example: Bring photographs, a favorite blanket, or a cherished memento to display in your room, creating a sense of familiarity.
  3. Establish a routine: Develop a daily routine that includes activities you enjoy and find comforting, such as exercise, cooking, or hobbies. Having a routine can create a sense of stability and help you feel more at ease. Example: Start each day with a morning jog or yoga session, followed by preparing breakfast using ingredients that remind you of home.
  4. Make friends and build a support network: Connect with fellow international students or locals who share your interests. Having a support network in Japan can help you feel less isolated. Example: Join clubs or social events at your school, or attend language exchange meetups to make new friends who can relate to your experiences and offer support.
  5. Explore Japanese culture and activities: Immerse yourself in local customs, traditions, and events. Engaging with Japanese culture can help you appreciate your new surroundings and lessen feelings of homesickness. Example: Attend a local festival, such as the Gion Matsuri in Kyoto or the Awa Odori in Tokushima, and participate in traditional activities and celebrations.
  6. Learn the language: Improving your Japanese language skills can help you feel more confident and connected to your environment. This can lead to a greater sense of belonging and ease feelings of homesickness. Example: Enroll in a Japanese language course, join a conversation group, or practice speaking with native Japanese speakers.
  7. Seek professional help if needed: If homesickness persists and affects your mental health or academic performance, consider seeking professional help from teachers,seniors ,roommates,a counselor or therapist. Example: Consult with your university’s international student center or counseling services to find a mental health professional who can provide support and guidance.
  8. Plan visits home or welcome visitors: If possible, plan a trip home during school breaks or holidays. Alternatively, invite family or friends to visit you in Japan, so you can share your experiences with them. Example: Coordinate a visit from your best friend or sibling during the summer vacation, showing them around Japan and introducing them to your new friends.

Remember that homesickness is a natural part of the adjustment process, and it may take time to feel fully comfortable in your new environment. By staying connected with loved ones, embracing Japanese culture, and building a support network, you can gradually ease feelings of homesickness and make the most of your time in Japan.