Best way of Jikoshoukai for interview as foreign student in japan in 2023

how to do self introduction for interview or jikoshoukai for interview

Tips,tricks and jikoshoukai for interview ,introduction, samples in japanese and translation in english

Welcome, dear readers! Are you foreign student and looking for how to do self introduction or jikoshoukai for interview in perfect way.Here are best Tips and Tricks to pass interview.

Today, we delve into the heart of Japanese business culture by exploring Jikoshoukai, the art of self-introduction for interview in Japan. This integral part of personal and professional interactions plays a crucial role in job interviews. Let’s embark on this journey of understanding Jikoshoukai and its significance.

The Art of Jikoshoukai for interview

Jikoshoukai, the art of introducing oneself, is not merely a recitation of facts about oneself. It is a delicate balance of formality, personal touch, and a demonstration of respect towards the listener. In a culture that values humility and modesty, it’s essential to present yourself in a way that doesn’t come across as arrogant or boastful. So how do we strike this balance? Let’s break it down jikoshoukai for interview.

Structure of Jikoshoukai

A Jikoshoukai typically starts with a polite greeting, followed by your name, your company or school (if applicable), and then some personal information, such as your hometown or hobbies. It is crucial to transition smoothly between these topics, ensuring your Jikoshoukai flows like a well-crafted story. Remember, the end of your Jikoshoukai should leave a lasting impression, so be sure to conclude on a high note.

Crafting Your Jikoshoukai for an Interview

When preparing your Jikoshoukai for an interview, keep in mind the job or industry you’re applying for. Highlight your skills and experiences that align with the job requirements. Be sure not to brag, but instead, express a willingness to learn and contribute. When it comes to discussing hobbies and interests, choose those that reflect positively on you as a professional.

Examples of Successful Jikoshoukai in interview

Let’s look at some successful examples of Jikoshoukai in interviews. For instance, a candidate for a software engineering position might emphasize their love for problem-solving and detail their experience in coding. An applicant for a teaching role could talk about their passion for education and their past experience tutoring students. In each case, the candidate’s Jikoshoukai paints a clear picture of their suitability for the role.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Common mistakes in Jikoshoukai often involve either sharing too much or too little information. Avoid lengthy stories about your personal life and refrain from being too vague about your qualifications. Over-practicing can also make your Jikoshoukai come across as robotic, so strive for a balance of preparation and spontaneity.

Practice and Preparation

The key to a successful Jikoshoukai is practice. Record yourself, listen back, and refine your introduction. Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from others, too. Be prepared for potential follow-up questions that your Jikoshoukai might prompt.


Mastering the Jikoshoukai in interview can set the tone for the rest of your interview, leaving a strong impression on your interviewer. Remember, it’s not just about stating facts about yourself, but weaving a story that portrays you as a strong fit for the role. With diligent practice and the right approach, your Jikoshoukai can become a powerful tool in your job-seeking journey.

I hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into crafting your Jikoshoukai. Here’s to making strong first impressions in your interviews! Until next time, readers.

Samples for Jikoshoukai for interview

Here’s a sample Jikoshoukai for a job interview in Japanese. Suppose you’re applying for a job as a software engineer:






Nice to meet you, my name is Tanaka. I graduated from the Department of Information Sciences at the University of Tokyo and currently work as a freelance software engineer.

My expertise lies primarily in application development using Python and Java. In the past, I have been involved in large-scale software projects for major companies, contributing significantly to their success.

My hobbies are music and travel, as experiencing new cultures broadens my perspectives. This also helps in my programming work.

I look forward to working with you.

10 examples of jikoshoukai for foreign student

Here are 10 examples of a Jikoshoukai for interview for foreign students in Japan, each with a different personality:

  1. The Artist
    Translation: Nice to meet you, my name is Emma. I’m from the UK and currently studying Fine Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts. I love painting, especially with watercolors. Japan’s nature is a wonderful source of inspiration for my creativity. Nice to meet you.
  2. The Sports Enthusiast
    Translation: Hello, my name is John. I come from Australia. I’m currently studying Sports Science at Kansai University. I love playing rugby and often play matches on weekends. Playing with Japanese rugby teams is very exciting for me. Nice to meet you.
  3. The History Buff
    Translation: Nice to meet you, my name is Lin. I am from China and I am majoring in History at Kyoto University. I am particularly interested in Japan’s Sengoku period. My hobbies are reading and traveling, and I like to visit historical places in Japan. Nice to meet you.
  4. The Technophile
    Translation: Hello, my name is Mike. I come from the United States. I’m currently studying Information Technology at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. I’m interested in new technology and gadgets, and my hobbies are coding and video games. Nice to meet you.
  5. The Environmentalist

Translation: Nice to meet you, my name is Sofia. I’m from Germany and currently studying Environmental Science at the University of Tokyo. I love nature and animals, and am passionate about learning about the sustainability of our planet. My hobbies are hiking and photography, and I enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Japan. Nice to meet you.

  1. The Foodie
    Translation: Nice to meet you, my name is Isabella. I am from Italy and am studying nutrition at Kobe University. I love cooking and am particularly fascinated by the wonderful variety of Japanese cuisine. On holidays, I often try new recipes and look for new restaurants. Nice to meet you.
  2. The Music Lover
    Translation: Hello, my name is Max. I’m from Canada and studying music at the Kyoto City University of Arts. I love playing the guitar and find it fun to create my own songs. The music scene in Japan is very exciting and I enjoy discovering new music. Nice to meet you.
  3. The Entrepreneur
    Translation: Nice to meet you, my name is Lee. I’m from Singapore and studying business at Keio University. I dream of starting my own startup in the future. My hobbies are reading and networking, and I like meeting new people and sharing new ideas. Nice to meet you.
  4. The Animal Lover
    Translation: Hello, my name is Lucy. I’m from New Zealand and studying zoology at Nagoya University. I love dogs and cats, and often volunteer at animal shelters in myfree time. It’s fun to learn about Japan’s wildlife. Nice to meet you.
  5. The Fashionista
    Translation: Nice to meet you, my name is Chloe. I’m from France and studying fashion design at Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo. I love designing clothes and am particularly influenced by Japanese street fashion. I enjoy following new trends and find it fun to express my own style. Nice to meet you.  

Model example of Complete Interview

Here’s a full example of an interview between a job applicant and a representative of a company. In this scenario, the applicant is a software engineer applying to a tech company:

Interviewer: おはようございます、田中さん。弊社への興味をお持ちいただき、ありがとうございます。まずは自己紹介をお願いできますか?

Interviewer: Good morning, Mr. Tanaka. Thank you for your interest in our company. Could you please start by introducing yourself?

Applicant (田中さん): おはようございます。始めまして、田中と申します。東京大学の情報科学部を卒業し、現在はフリーランスのソフトウェアエンジニアとして働いています。主にPythonとJavaを使用したアプリケーション開発が専門で、過去には大手企業の大規模なソフトウェアプロジェクトに関与しました。よろしくお願いします。

Applicant (Mr. Tanaka): Good morning. Nice to meet you, my name is Tanaka. I graduated from the Department of Information Sciences at the University of Tokyo and am currently working as a freelance software engineer. I specialize in application development mainly using Python and Java, and have been involved in large-scale software projects for major companies. Nice to meet you.

Interviewer: ありがとうございます、田中さん。それでは、なぜ弊社に興味を持ったのか教えていただけますか?

Interviewer: Thank you, Mr. Tanaka. Can you tell us why you became interested in our company?

Applicant: はい、その点については、私があなたの会社の革新的なテクノロジーと成長の可能性に感銘を受けたからです。特にあなたの会社が開発したAI技術には大きな可能性を感じています。私自身もAIと機械学習に強い関心を持っており、その領域でスキルを活かすチャンスを探しています。

Applicant: Yes, I was impressed by your company’s innovative technology and potential for growth. I particularly see great potential in the AI technology that your company has developed. I myself have a strong interest in AI and machine learning and am looking for opportunities to leverage my skills in this area.

Interviewer: それは素晴らしいですね。あなたが過去に取り組んだプロジェクトで、特に誇りに思っているものは何ですか?

Interviewer: That’s great. What is something you are particularly proud of from the projects you have worked on in the past?

Applicant: 私がフリーランスとして働いていたときに、大手小売業者のために在庫管理システムを開発したプロジェクトがあります。そのシステムは、AIを使って在庫を予測し、適切な在庫レベルを維持するための自動注文システムを含んでいました。そのプロジェクトは大成功で、クライアントは在庫管理の効率が大幅に向上したと非常に満足しています。

Applicant: When I was working as a freelancer, I developed an inventory management system for a major retailer. The system included an automatic ordering system to maintain appropriate inventory levels using AI. The project was a great success, and the client was very satisfied with the significant improvement in inventory management efficiency.

Interviewer: それは素晴らしい経験ですね。最後に、あなたが弊社で達成したい目標は何ですか?

Interviewer: That’s an amazing experience. Finally, what is your goal that you want to achieve at our company?

Applicant: 私の最終的な目標は、あなたの会社のAI技術をさらに進化させることです。私は、AIと機械学習がビジネスにどのように影響を与えるかについての深い理解を持っています。その知識を活かして、あなたの会社のAI技術を次のレベルに引き上げ、更なる成長を達成することが私の目標です。

Applicant: My ultimate goal is to further evolve your company’s AI technology. I have a deep understanding of how AI and machine learning can impact a business. I aim to use that knowledge to elevate your company’s AI technology to the next level and achieve further growth.

Interviewer: 田中さん、それは素晴らしい目標です。あなたの情熱と経験は、我々のチームにとって貴重なものとなるでしょう。本日はお時間をいただき、ありがとうございました。後日、結果についてご連絡いたします。

Interviewer: Mr. Tanaka, that’s a wonderful goal. Your passion and experience will be invaluable to our team. Thank you for your time today. We will contact you about the results at a later date.

Applicant: こちらこそ、お時間をいただきありがとうございました。お話できて嬉しかったです。結果を楽しみにしています。

Applicant: Thank you for your time as well. I was glad to be able to talk to you. I look forward to hearing the results.

Here are some YouTube videos and books that could be helpful for practicing and understanding Jikoshoukai for interview :

YouTube Videos:

  1. Learn how to introduce yourself in Japanese!| Jikoshoukai1​.
  2. How to Introduce Yourself in Japanese – Jikoshoukai1​.
  3. Jikoshoukai: How to Introduce Yourself in Japanese – Tofugu1​.
  4. Jikoshoukai1​.


  1. “Genki” – This is a popular beginner option for learning Japanese. It covers all four language skills including speaking, which would be useful for Jikoshoukai. It’s well-written, easy to understand, affordable and comprehensive​2​.
  2. “Japanese from Zero!” – This series is designed for self-study and it has become really popular since its first publication in 2006. It provides an unintimidating entry point to teaching yourself Japanese​2​.
  3. “Living Language Japanese” – This program combines traditional textbooks with a set of audio CDs and online resources to create a comprehensive experience for learning all the basics of Japanese, which would include how to introduce oneself​2​.
  4. “Pimsleur Japanese” – This method focuses on speaking and listening through audio, which is ideal for practicing Jikoshoukai​2​.

Remember, while books and videos are great resources for jikoshoukai for interview, but practice is key to mastering Jikoshoukai. Try to practice your self-introduction as much as possible, and if you have Japanese friends or a language exchange partner, ask them for feedback.

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How to Earn Monthly 10万 in Japan Through Vlogging in Japan: Tips and Strategies for Japan vlog in 2023

What to do / What not to do(5/5 points)

Vlogging has become a popular way to share experiences, knowledge, and entertainment with viewers worldwide. In Japan, vlogging offers a unique opportunity to earn a significant income, with many successful vloggers making 10万 (100,000 yen) or more per month. In this blog post, we’ll explore tips and strategies for earning 10万 monthly with vlogging in Japan, using real-life examples and insights from successful vloggers. Whether you’re a seasoned creator or just starting, these tips will help you boost your vlogging income and achieve your financial goals.

  1. Create Engaging and Unique Content

The key to successful vlogging in Japan for 10万 a month is producing content that stands out and engages your audience. Identify your niche, whether it’s travel, fashion, food, or technology, and share your passion with your viewers. For example, Paolo from Tokyo, a well-known Japan vlogger, shares unique insights into Japanese culture, work-life, and hidden gems around the city. By offering valuable content, you’ll attract more viewers, leading to a higher income.Here we are all talking about Japan vlog.

  1. Utilize SEO and Long-Tail Keywords

To attract more viewers, optimize your content using search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and long-tail keywords. By targeting specific phrases like “Japanese vlogging income strategies” or “tips for earning 10万 monthly through vlogging in Japan,” you’ll rank higher in search results and reach a more focused audience. Incorporate these keywords into your video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve visibility.

  1. Collaborate with Other Vloggers

Collaborating with other vloggers can help you reach new audiences and learn from one another. Reach out to fellow creators within your niche, both in Japan and internationally, to create content that appeals to both audiences. An example of a successful collaboration is when Tokyo-based vlogger Kim Dao teamed up with international vlogger Sharla in Japan, boosting both creators’ visibility and subscriber count.

  1. Monetize Your Content with Multiple Streams

To reach 10万 monthly vlogging earnings in Japan, diversify your income sources. Beyond YouTube ad revenue, consider incorporating sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and merchandise sales. For example, Japanese vlogger Yuka Kinoshita, known for her food challenges, often partners with restaurants and food companies to promote their products, generating additional income.

  1. Engage with Your Audience and Build a Community

Building a strong relationship with your audience is essential to long-term success. Engage with your viewers by responding to comments, hosting live streams, and creating content that directly addresses their interests and questions. As your community grows, your viewers will be more likely to share your content and support your monetization efforts.

  1. Consistency and Dedication

Achieving a 10万 monthly income through vlogging in Japan requires consistency and dedication. Set a schedule for uploading new content, and stick to it. By regularly producing high-quality content, you’ll establish a loyal audience and increase your chances of going viral.


Earning 10万 per month through vlogging in Japan is achievable with the right strategies, dedication, and unique content. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to building a successful vlogging career and enjoying the financial rewards that come with it. Remember, the key to success is to stay true to your passion, connect with your audience, and continuously learn from your experiences.

Some of the good foreign vlogger in japan

There are several foreign vloggers based in Japan who share engaging and informative content about their experiences, the culture, and daily life. Some popular foreign vloggers in Japan include:

  1. Chris Broad (Abroad in Japan) – A British vlogger who shares humorous and informative content about Japanese culture, language, food, and travel experiences. YouTube Channel:
  2. Sharla (Sharla in Japan) – A Canadian vlogger who has lived in Japan for several years and shares content about Japanese lifestyle, culture, travel, and food. YouTube Channel:
  3. Paolo from Tokyo – A Filipino-American vlogger who creates content about Japanese culture, work-life, food, and hidden gems in Tokyo. YouTube Channel:
  4. Angela (Internationally Me) – A New Zealander vlogger living in Japan who shares her experiences of living and working in Tokyo, as well as travel content exploring various regions of Japan. YouTube Channel:
  5. Rachel & Jun – A married couple, Rachel from the US and Jun from Japan, who create content about their life together, Japanese culture, travel, and language. YouTube Channel:
  6. Tokyo Lens – A Canadian vlogger and photographer who shares his life and experiences in Tokyo, including content about Japanese culture, festivals, and photography. YouTube Channel:

These vloggers provides japan vlog and a diverse range of content and perspectives on life in Japan, making their channels an excellent resource for those interested in learning more about the country and its culture.

Wait!! Here is the main Points

When starting a vlogging journey, it’s essential to know what practices to follow and which ones to avoid. Here are five do’s and five don’ts of vlogging to help you create engaging and successful content:


  1. Plan your content: Before hitting the record button, take time to plan your vlog’s topic, structure, and key points. A well-organized vlog will engage viewers and encourage them to continue watching. Consider creating a rough script or outline to guide your recording.
  2. Focus on good lighting and sound quality: Clear visuals and audio make your content more enjoyable and professional. Make use of natural light or invest in affordable lighting equipment to improve your video quality. Use an external microphone to enhance audio clarity and reduce background noise.
  3. Edit your videos effectively: A well-edited vlog helps maintain viewer interest and delivers a polished final product. Cut out any unnecessary footage, add background music, and use transitions to keep the video engaging. Consider using editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or free options like iMovie or DaVinci Resolve.
  4. Be authentic and genuine: Share your true personality, experiences, and opinions with your audience. Authenticity helps you connect with viewers and build a loyal following. Avoid trying to copy other vloggers or conforming to trends that don’t align with your interests or values.
  5. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and show appreciation for your viewers’ support. Building a strong relationship with your audience encourages them to share your content, leading to organic growth.


  1. Don’t neglect your video titles, descriptions, and tags: Optimizing these elements with relevant keywords and phrases helps your videos rank higher in search results and reach a larger audience. Avoid using clickbait or misleading information, as this can lead to viewer dissatisfaction and hurt your reputation.
  2. Don’t ignore viewer feedback: Pay attention to comments and suggestions from your audience. Constructive criticism can help you improve your content, while positive feedback can guide you towards topics or formats that resonate with your viewers.
  3. Don’t focus solely on subscriber count or view numbers: While it’s natural to desire a larger audience, obsessing over numbers can distract you from producing high-quality content. Focus on creating engaging videos that you enjoy making, and the viewership will grow organically.
  4. Don’t over-promote or spam your content: Sharing your vlogs on social media platforms is essential for growth, but excessive promotion can alienate potential viewers. Share your content thoughtfully, engage in relevant communities, and avoid spamming or overposting.
  5. Don’t burn out: Creating and maintaining a successful vlog requires time and dedication, but it’s crucial not to overextend yourself. Prioritize self-care, set a manageable content schedule, and remember that it’s okay to take breaks if needed.

By following these do’s and don’ts of vlogging, you’ll be well on your way to creating engaging and successful content that resonates with your audience.

The Ultimate Guide to Passing JLPT N3 in Just 3 Months

how to pass N3 in 3 months

Study Plan, Resources, and Exercises


Are you an ambitious learner aiming to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N3 level in just three months? While this may seem like a daunting task, with the right study plan, dedication, and resources, it is entirely possible. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide a detailed study plan, practical exercises, and useful resources to help you ace the N3 level in record time.

At First

How much knowledge should be their to pass N3

To pass the JLPT N3 level, you should have a solid understanding of intermediate Japanese grammar, vocabulary, kanji, reading comprehension, and listening skills. Here’s a general overview of what you should know to pass the N3 level:

  1. Grammar: You should be familiar with about 200 intermediate-level grammar points, including conjugations, verb forms, and sentence structures. This includes knowledge of both N4 and N3 grammar points.
  2. Vocabulary: You should have a working knowledge of around 3,000 to 3,500 Japanese words, including the 1,500 words covered in the N4 level. The N3 level focuses on vocabulary used in everyday situations, as well as some specialized terms related to fields like business, technology, and culture.
  3. Kanji: You should be able to read and write approximately 650 kanji characters, including the 300 kanji covered in the N4 level. This includes knowing the meanings and readings (both on’yomi and kun’yomi) for each character and being able to recognize and use them in context.
  4. Reading Comprehension: You should be able to read and understand texts written using N3-level vocabulary and grammar. This includes being able to comprehend the main ideas, details, and implied meanings in various text types, such as news articles, essays, and short stories.
  5. Listening Comprehension: You should have the ability to understand spoken Japanese in everyday situations and follow conversations at a natural speed. This includes understanding the main ideas and details, as well as identifying the speaker’s intent and emotions.

Are you ready now? Then..

  1. Assess Your Current Language Level :

To create a targeted study plan, it’s crucial to determine your current Japanese language proficiency. This assessment will help you identify areas requiring extra attention and ensure you focus your efforts effectively.

Start by taking an online mock test or self-assessment test. Websites like JLPT Sensei ( and Japanesetest4you ( offer mock tests designed to gauge your current level. These tests will provide you with valuable insights into your strengths and weaknesses in various areas, such as grammar, vocabulary, kanji, reading, and listening. Analyze your test results to identify areas where you need to focus more time and effort.

Additionally, take note of the questions or sections you found particularly challenging, as this information will be useful when designing your study plan.

  1. Develop a Comprehensive Study Plan :

A well-structured study plan is the key to success when preparing for the JLPT N3 in just three months. Your study plan should outline your daily and weekly goals, dividing your study time between grammar, vocabulary, kanji, reading, and listening. Allocate additional time to areas you find particularly challenging.

Begin by setting aside a specific amount of time each day for studying. For instance, you might allocate 2-3 hours per day for focused study. Break your daily study time into smaller chunks, such as 30-45 minute sessions dedicated to each aspect of the test (grammar, vocabulary, kanji, reading, and listening). This will help keep your study sessions focused and manageable.

On weekends or days when you have extra time, allocate additional hours to review your progress, practice speaking, or tackle more challenging materials. Remember to schedule regular breaks and allow yourself some downtime to prevent burnout.

  1. Master Grammar :

Understanding and applying grammar rules is essential for the JLPT N3. To master grammar, focus on learning essential grammar points and practicing them in context.

One effective method for learning grammar is to use textbooks specifically designed for the JLPT N3, such as the Nihongo Sou Matome N3 Grammar textbook ( This textbook covers the most important grammar points for the N3 level and provides explanations and examples to help you understand each concept.

In addition to using textbooks, consider creating flashcards with example sentences to reinforce your understanding of each grammar point. Websites like Quizlet ( and Anki ( allow you to create digital flashcards that you can review on your computer or mobile device.

Another useful resource for practicing grammar is the website Bunpro (, which offers grammar quizzes and exercises specifically tailored to your current JLPT level. These quizzes can help you gauge your understanding of grammar points and identify areas where you may need additional practice.

  1. Expand Your Vocabulary :

A broad vocabulary is critical for success on the JLPT N3. To expand your vocabulary, learn new words and phrases daily and practice using them in context.

Use apps like Memrise ( or Anki flashcards to study N3 vocabulary. These apps utilize spaced repetition techniques to help you memorize new words and phrases effectively. Try to learn a set number of new words each day, such as 10-20 words, and review previously learned vocabulary regularly to reinforce retention.

In addition to using apps and flashcards, create sentences using new vocabulary words to enhance retention further. Writing or speaking these sentences aloud will help you understand how each word is used in context and solidify your understanding of the vocabulary.

  1. Strengthen Your Kanji Skills (500 words):

Memorizing kanji can be challenging, but it’s crucial for the JLPT N3. Focus on learning kanji radicals and understanding the meaning and readings of each character.

Use apps like the Kanji Study app ( or textbooks like the “Kanji Look and Learn” ( to study N3 kanji. These resources present kanji in a structured format and include mnemonics and illustrations to help you remember the characters.

Practice writing the kanji by hand to improve your recognition and retention. Copying each character several times will help you become familiar with the strokes and stroke order, making it easier to recognize and recall kanji during the test.

  1. Improve Your Reading Comprehension (500 words):

Reading comprehension is a significant component of the JLPT N3. Practice reading texts and answering questions to build your skills.

Start by reading articles on NHK News Web Easy (, a website that offers simplified news articles in Japanese. These articles are written using N3-level vocabulary and grammar, making them an ideal resource for building reading comprehension skills.

Additionally, work through the Nihongo Sou Matome N3 Reading Comprehension textbook ( to practice JLPT-style reading questions. This textbook includes a variety of texts, such as short stories, essays, and news articles, as well as questions designed to test your comprehension.

  1. Hone Your Listening Skills (500 words):

Developing strong listening skills is vital for the JLPT N3. Listen to Japanese audio regularly and practice answering questions based on the content.

Use resources like the “Shadowing: Let’s Speak Japanese!” book series ( to practice listening and speaking simultaneously. This technique, called “shadowing,” involves listening to native speakers and repeating their speech as accurately as possible. This practice can help improve your listening comprehension, pronunciation, and speaking speed.

Another useful resource for developing listening skills is the JapanesePod101 website ( This website offers audio lessons and podcasts at various difficulty levels, including N3-level content. Listen to the lessons and podcasts regularly to expose yourself to different accents, speaking speeds, and vocabulary.

  1. Track Your Progress and Adjust Your Study Plan :

Regularly tracking your progress is essential to ensure you’re making steady progress toward your goal of passing the JLPT N3 in three months. Set aside time each week to review your progress, analyze your strengths and weaknesses, and adjust your study plan accordingly.

Take additional mock tests or quizzes periodically to gauge your improvement and identify any lingering weak areas. Websites like JLPT Sensei ( and Japanesetest4you ( offer a variety of quizzes and practice tests that you can use to track your progress.

If you find that you’re struggling with a specific aspect of the test, such as kanji or listening, allocate additional study time to address these areas. Conversely, if you notice significant improvement in a particular area, you may choose to reduce the time spent on that topic and focus on others.

Don’t be afraid to adjust your study plan as needed. Remember that everyone learns at a different pace, and your study plan should reflect your unique learning style and needs.


Passing the JLPT N3 in just three months is an ambitious goal, but with a well-structured study plan, dedication, and the right resources, it is achievable. By following the detailed study plan, practical exercises, and useful resources outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to acing the N3 level in record time. Remember to stay focused, track your progress, and adjust your study plan as needed to ensure you’re making steady progress toward your goal. Good luck, and happy studying!

A 2hours Time table Chart

Creating a timetable chart can help you visualize and organize your study plan for the JLPT N3. Here’s a sample timetable chart that you can use as a starting point and modify according to your personal preferences and availability:

Here’s a sample timetable chart for studying two hours a day for the JLPT N3. You can modify this timetable according to your personal preferences and availability:


This timetable chart provides two hours of focused study time each day, with a 30-minute study session dedicated to each aspect of the test (grammar, vocabulary, kanji, reading, and listening). On Saturdays, the study sessions focus on reviewing the material covered during the week and catching up on any missed study sessions. Sundays are designated for rest.

Feel free to modify this timetable chart to suit your personal preferences, schedule, and study goals. You can adjust the duration of study sessions, add or remove breaks, or rearrange the subjects to create a study plan that works best for you.

While these are general guidelines for passing the JLPT N3, it’s essential to keep in mind that each individual’s language proficiency may vary. Therefore, it’s crucial to focus on your specific weaknesses and strengths when preparing for the exam.