I can’t live in Japan

how to deal with homesickness

how to deal with home sickness

Dealing with homesickness as a foreign student in Japan can be challenging, but there are several strategies to help you cope and make your time in Japan more enjoyable. Here are some tips with examples:

  1. Stay connected with family and friends: Regularly communicate with your loved ones back home through video calls, messaging apps, or social media. Schedule weekly or bi-weekly calls to catch up and share your experiences. Example: Use apps like facebook, Skype, viber,Zoom, or LINE to video chat with your family and friends, maintaining a sense of connection despite the distance.
  2. Create a comfortable living space: Personalize your living space with familiar items or decorations from home. Surrounding yourself with comforting objects can make your environment feel more welcoming. Example: Bring photographs, a favorite blanket, or a cherished memento to display in your room, creating a sense of familiarity.
  3. Establish a routine: Develop a daily routine that includes activities you enjoy and find comforting, such as exercise, cooking, or hobbies. Having a routine can create a sense of stability and help you feel more at ease. Example: Start each day with a morning jog or yoga session, followed by preparing breakfast using ingredients that remind you of home.
  4. Make friends and build a support network: Connect with fellow international students or locals who share your interests. Having a support network in Japan can help you feel less isolated. Example: Join clubs or social events at your school, or attend language exchange meetups to make new friends who can relate to your experiences and offer support.
  5. Explore Japanese culture and activities: Immerse yourself in local customs, traditions, and events. Engaging with Japanese culture can help you appreciate your new surroundings and lessen feelings of homesickness. Example: Attend a local festival, such as the Gion Matsuri in Kyoto or the Awa Odori in Tokushima, and participate in traditional activities and celebrations.
  6. Learn the language: Improving your Japanese language skills can help you feel more confident and connected to your environment. This can lead to a greater sense of belonging and ease feelings of homesickness. Example: Enroll in a Japanese language course, join a conversation group, or practice speaking with native Japanese speakers.
  7. Seek professional help if needed: If homesickness persists and affects your mental health or academic performance, consider seeking professional help from teachers,seniors ,roommates,a counselor or therapist. Example: Consult with your university’s international student center or counseling services to find a mental health professional who can provide support and guidance.
  8. Plan visits home or welcome visitors: If possible, plan a trip home during school breaks or holidays. Alternatively, invite family or friends to visit you in Japan, so you can share your experiences with them. Example: Coordinate a visit from your best friend or sibling during the summer vacation, showing them around Japan and introducing them to your new friends.

Remember that homesickness is a natural part of the adjustment process, and it may take time to feel fully comfortable in your new environment. By staying connected with loved ones, embracing Japanese culture, and building a support network, you can gradually ease feelings of homesickness and make the most of your time in Japan.